Comentariile membrilor:

 =  :) my suggestion....
Corina Gina Papouis
[13.Dec.09 13:29]
Lost in the mountains of Bucovina
I would carry my longing, gracefully,
Through its sweet hills
I would sigh out of missing you

Feeling the spring breeze
Whispering on my nape
And ravished by your love
The world I shall leave to oblivion

To loose my footsteps on its paths
Always thinking of you
To put my longing into lyrics,
Forgetting all things, forgetting myself.

 =  corina
Cezar Cãtãlin Viziniuck
[13.Dec.09 16:09]
I'm sorry I forgot the verse that I added last night. Thanks for the translation and support. There are too well used to English, but I hope to perform in this chaptre.

 =  cezar!
Corina Gina Papouis
[13.Dec.09 16:12]
please do a spell check on your text. there are many misspelled words.

 =  ok, Corina
Cezar Cãtãlin Viziniuck
[06.Jan.10 17:52]
Ok. Thank you.

 =  !
Corina Gina Papouis
[06.Jan.10 20:54]
spelling! check it!

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