Comentariile membrilor:

 =  good
Corina Gina Papouis
[07.Feb.13 20:22]
Loved the tone and the way it unfolds.
last stanza - priceless!


 =  10
Corina Gina Papouis
[07.Feb.13 20:28]
Based on the activity on this site and hoping to see more of your creations I would like to offer you a first step on the posting 'ladder'. The new level will allow you to post your comments without editors' approval. Please also check the policy and if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us.

Please keep up the good work!


 =  Thank you
Alina Maria Ivan
[08.Feb.13 09:06]
Thank you for all the appreciation and for the new level.

 =  feminine
Bodea Diana Mihaela
[09.Feb.13 00:51]
Lovely poem, some of the images echoed in me quite a bit. A lovely poem with a beautiful feminine attitude towards past. I do see things the same way.

best wishes, gg

 =  Thanks
Alina Maria Ivan
[11.Feb.13 16:26]
Diana Mihaela,

I am happy when people read my poems with the heart and I think you do so ...thank you!

Best wishes,

 =  I heard the laugher, somewhere near me
raj thampi
[11.Feb.13 21:14]
For the entire length of your poem, these are the lines made me stare at them, and I felt your laugher

hi hi
not even the heavy boots
let me forget this ice
which connects my chest to the chest of
no idea whom
perhaps of a God that became tangible
since I`ve been yelling behind this door with a blue key

so many broken words on this tile
how screams get out of this stranger
that I have once loved
with all my skin
over the wrong body

Thank you, perfect mood for me :)

 =  Thank you
Alina Maria Ivan
[21.Feb.13 10:25]
Thank you, Raj. I am always happy when someone connects with my writing. Hope you will come back.

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